Excessive Sweating Treatment


Excessive Sweating Treatment

About the treatment

Excessive Sweating Treatment

Sweating is a regular bodily function that helps people to control the temperature of their bodies. But some people sweat more than necessary and usually uncontrollably no matter what time of the day, season or temperature is present. Under those circumstances, we can say that those people are dealing with excessive sweating or hyperhidrosis.

Generally, men suffer from this condition more than women. This condition is also referred to as a Silent handicap because it can seriously diminish people’s quality of life. People who suffer from excessive sweating feel that this condition makes them feel uncomfortable in social and professional interactions. They slowly lose their self-confidence and start avoiding exposing themselves. This can dramatically affect their life in a negative way.

Excessive sweating can be most intense in the underarms but it can also appear on the palms, feet or head. If it happens only locally then it is called focal hyperhidrosis. It can also happen in larger areas of the body like the back for example.


Excessive sweating in the underarm area usually starts in adolescence or early adulthood. Palm and feet excessive sweating can start around the age of 13. People can suffer from this condition even if they don’t have other medical conditions.

The reasons that trigger excessive sweating are usually unclear. They can be connected to heat or emotions in some people. But, a lot of patients who suffer from this condition sweat all the time, no matter what emotions they are experiencing. Their nervous system triggers sweat glands to constantly produce sweat even though their body temperature is normal and their bodies don’t need to cool.  

It can be really difficult to live with excessive sweating. People can use strong antiperspirants but it is usually not very effective. Even if it is not hot, they drip sweat all the time and soak through their clothes.

Luckily, Botox treatment for excessive sweating is an effective procedure that enables patients to keep sweating under control. It is an FDA-approved treatment and therefore safe for treating hyperhidrosis. It can bring brilliant results in reducing this embarrassing condition. Botox injections can reduce excessive sweating for almost 90%.


Botox is very well known for its fantastic ability to relax the muscles that cause dynamic wrinkles. It is one of the most popular treatments for reducing facial wrinkles and facial rejuvenation. When used for excessive sweating, it works the same as when used for wrinkle treatments.

Botox is a neurotoxin and a purified protein that blocks the nerves that trigger sweat glands. It is precisely injected into the patient’s armpits with very fine needles which makes it only minimally invasive. Botox treats hyperhidrosis at its base – it targets the overactive nerves and freezes them temporarily. The treated nerves stop being hyperactive and don’t trigger sweat glands so much. As a result, the patient doesn’t sweat excessively anymore.


Botox injectable treatment for hyperhidrosis offers numerous benefits for patients.

It is an absolutely safe procedure which is perhaps one of its biggest advantages. When Botox is injected into the armpits to temporarily freeze the sweat glands, it only affects those sweat glands. Sweat glands in the armpits are only 2% of all sweat glands in the body. Other sweat glands still work properly and help the body to cool. Moreover, stopping the sweat glands in the armpits won’t cause other areas of the body to start sweating more.

Once patients stop sweating excessively, they decrease their body odor as well. The smell that comes from sweaty armpits is caused by bacteria that live in moist and warm places. When there is no more moisture, there is no more bacteria.

This procedure brings fast-acting results which are noticed generally after just a few days post-treatment. The patients notice that they sweat significantly less than before and can finally live their lives more comfortably. The results are also long-lasting and the patients can see the effects of this treatment for up to a year.

Botox for excessive sweating is minimally invasive. Although the treatment involves administering Botox with needles, they are small and go just beneath the patient’s skin. Because of that the treatment is only mildly uncomfortable. It doesn’t require downtime and patients can return to their daily activities right away.

This procedure is done by experienced and certified Dr Beauty Clinic’s doctors. This definitely helps patients to relax because they are in good hands. Also, when performed by experts, this treatment leaves little to no risk that something will go wrong.

The treatment restores patients’ self-confidence. Hyperhidrosis can dramatically reduce patients’ self-esteem and make them feel uncomfortable in social interactions and public places. But once Botox is injected in the armpits and stops hyperactive sweat glands, patients start feeling more confident again and relaxed when interacting with other people.

Botox for excessive sweating is truly one of the safest and the most effective procedures.

Excessive Sweating Treatment

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